Install Tinc and VPN Setup on Debian & Ubuntu
In this tutorial, we will go over how to use Tinc, an open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon, to create a secure VPN that your servers can communicate on as if they were on a local network. We will also demonstrate how to use Tinc to set up a secure tunnel into a private network. We will be using Ubuntu 14.04 servers, but the [...]
Initial Server Configuration & Setup on Debian
Step One — Root Login To log into your server initially, you will need to know your server’s public IP address and the password for the “root” user’s account. For servers on DigitalOcean, you will receive an email with your server credentials and the server’s IP address. The root user is the [...]
JavaScript Design Patterns Introduction
A lot of mobile-minded talented folks across the globe produce great work, but yet sometimes you still hear many of them complain about their relationships with their clients. They often mention feeling isolated and not truly understanding what the client really needed.
Severn is a multi-author & personal blog theme for the WordPress platform. Featuring a minimal, responsive, content-focused design and multi-column layout. This is an example of a status post, which can be used for short paragraph long status updates, similar to a tweet. More information about Severn can be found on ThemeForest.
Installing Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Server Side Caching
Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world and is responsible for hosting some of the largest and highest-traffic sites on the internet. It is more resource-friendly than Apache in most cases and can be used as a web server or a reverse proxy. Since this is our first interaction with the apt packaging system in [...]